Formulación y gestión de proyectos, grabación y producción de fotografía y video 360°, modelos analíticos de datos, desarrollo y mantenimiento de software.
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[av_heading heading=’Who We Are?’ tag=’h3′ color=’meta-heading’ style=” padding=’10’]
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InfoCASE Colombia, Software Engineering, EU, is a company committed to the development, appropriation and use of information technologies and communications in micro, small, medium and big companies, as well as supporting Research and Technological Development processes (I + D) and has been working for the strengthening and aggrandizement of the different sectors of the regional economies.
[av_heading heading=’Our Mission’ tag=’h3′ color=’meta-heading’ style=” padding=’10’]
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Advise, identify, formulate, promote, accompany, supervise, develop and execute projects with cutting-edge technological standards and trends, to contribute to the achievement of corporate vision and the strategic objectives of our clients, applying the best practices and highest specifications in the industry, taking advantage of and maximizing the qualities and experience of our professional consultants.
InfoCASE Colombia Engineering, E.U., provides its services to Institutions, Organizations or Entities, in the context of Corporate Productive Systems, providing integral advice for an appropriate strategic direction, relying on avant-garde technological standards and trends.
[av_heading heading=’Services’ tag=’h3′ color=’meta-heading’ style=” padding=’10’]
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1. Advice, identification, formulation, management and execution of projects with standards of the Project Management Institute – PMI and cutting-edge technological trends.
2. We act as integrators of information and communication technology (ICT) solutions.
3. We develop and implement software to increase productivity in governmental and private organizations.
4. We create Apps for mobile devices (smartphones), with 100% corporate focus.
5. We conduct surveys, data collection for further mathematical analysis (Data Analytics – Big Data).
6. We analyze and study real systems to adapt, improve or optimize the operation of the same (Operations Research and Management of Organizational Change).
[av_heading heading=’- Some of our customers’ tag=’h3′ color=’meta-heading’ style=” padding=’15’]
– Ministerio de Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicaciones MinTIC.
– Departamento Administrativo de Ciencia Tecnología e Innovación – COLCIENCIAS.
– C&M Consultores (Bogotá, D.C. – Colombia)
– Gremio de operadores turísticos. (Florencia – Caquetá – Colombia)
– Gobernación de Caquetá – Colombia.
– Alcaldía de Belén de los Andaquíes – Caquetá – Colombia.
– Hotel Kámani. (Florencia – Caquetá – Colombia).
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[av_heading heading=’TIC, Turismo y Posconflicto.’ tag=’h3′ color=’meta-heading’ style=” padding=’15’]
Project executed with the aim of designing and implementing articulated strategies based on the diffusion, use and appropriation of ICT, to promote and strengthen nature and adventure tourism in ancient zones of insurgent influence in Colombia.
[av_heading heading=’Caquetá AvenTurísTICo.’ tag=’h3′ color=’meta-heading’ style=” padding=’15’]
Project executed with the aim of designing and implementing strategies in an articulated way and based on the use and appropriation of ICTs to strengthen and promote tourism of nature and adventure in Caquetá – Colombia.
[av_heading heading=’Caquetá Government Online’ tag=’h3′ color=’meta-heading’ style=” padding=’15’]
Project focused on streamlining access to data necessary for efficient citizen-state interaction, increasing citizen participation from the use of ICT, seeking to streamline reception, proper registration, classification, distribution, monitoring and control of requests received, as of the official responses granted to citizens and different organizations, both public and private.
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[av_testimonials columns=’2′]
[av_testimonial_single src=’1780′ name=’Tourism website of Caquetá’ subtitle=’Website’ link=’’ linktext=’Caquetá Travel’]
Tourism website, promoting activities of nature and adventure.
[av_testimonials columns=’2′]
[av_testimonial_single src=’1807′ name=’Caquetá Travel App’ subtitle=’App Android’ link=’′ linktext=’Play Store Android’]
Official App of the Tourism Portal of Caquetá. Here you will find the tourist offer, hotels, travel agencies, restaurants, farms, among others.
[av_testimonials columns=’2′]
[av_testimonial_single src=’1809′ name=’Putumayo Tourism website’ subtitle=’Website’ link=’’ linktext=’Putumayo Travel’]
Tourism website, promoting activities of nature and adventure.
[av_testimonials columns=’2′]
[av_testimonial_single src=’1806′ name=’Adventure Tourism Website’ subtitle=’Website’ link=’’ linktext=’adventourism Travel’]
Tourism website, focused on adventure tourism in Latin America.
[av_testimonials columns=’2′]
[av_testimonial_single src=’1808′ name=’InfoDOCS – Application of PQRD’ subtitle=’Website’ link=’’ linktext=’InfoDocs’]
Web application of PQRD, County government of Caquetá and five (5) Municipal Governments.